Blockhub payments brought to you by Blockhub, LLC

Instant Increase

Instant Increase

As a business owner processing credit cards, you understand how processing fees eat into your profits. It can be frustrating to see those credit card statements every month. However, with zero fee processing, you can reduce or even eliminate these fees, instantly...

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Simple Setup, Strong Solution

Simple Setup, Strong Solution

Setting up your new Surcharge Program is a breeze. We’ll program a terminal to automatically apply a surcharge to all purchases made with a credit card. Then, simply post signage notifying your customers of the charge, and you’re ready to roll! Our Surcharge Program...

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Purpose and People

Purpose and People

As per the Durbin Amendment, which is a part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, business owners are entitled to pass through credit card fees up to 4% on credit card sales to customers, as per a federal court settlement. This provision has enabled us to offer a unique credit...

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